What is a great way to raise awareness and money for a good cause? Selling baked goods in the middle of the week at the University of Auckland, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, where many hungry medical students and researchers are in need of some sugar hits!
HDYO-NZ ran two very successful bake sale fundraisers in 2015 to build up the funds for our brand new website! Both events were a lot of fun, for bakers and eaters alike. We raised money and awareness for Huntington’s disease (HD) and HDYO-NZ by handing out HDYO-NZ flyers, selling HDYO-NZ wrist bands, and talking to our supporters about our research on HD in the lab, and HDYO-NZ’s mission.
Thanks to all the amazing bakers, sweet lovers and our wonderful supporters for making these past two bake-sale events so successful and fun. We cannot wait to see you all again at our next bake-sale event. Watch this space!
Check out some of the photos from the events below (warning: this may result in food envy!).